Sustainable Wood Panels

Home»Sustainable Wood Panels

Fire Resistant Panels

Sustainable wood panels are destined to be the leading ures in the new more environmentally friendly, architecture and the resourcesil offers. This new green architecture: Sustainable architeclune or eco-friendly architecture is one that takes into account the use of resources (energy, natural resources...) the environmental impact both in use and in production) and the specific risks for the safety of people.

It is true thot when we think about pollution and environmental degradation the first thing that comes to mind are the failpipes of cars, oll slicks or belching smekestocks of factories and now as. However, buildings and the construction sector con consume between 2015 and 50% of the physical resources of their environment is alty of who work in this activity fornitects, buldues material manufacturers etc.) to put an end to thes hobits acquired during decades of wasting natural resources and introduce the use of materials, such as sustainable wood panels which reloreduce the werkneestal impact of a building.

This is because, to begin with, wood is the material with the least environmental impact in its production and life cycle. recyclable. But, in addition, sustainable wood panels like the ones manufactured by prenpanel have raw material certifications. These certifications guarantee that the wood used comes from sustainably managed forests and that the also been prepared by a manufacturer who guarantees that a FSC chain of custody system is maintained right through to the Product.
